My Design
For my design I decided to focus on the graffiti element and build a mobile sit based round that. I design it so it was not meant to be professional it meant to be fun.
Architect feedback
"Jodie - Like the vibrancy of the colours, think the simple layout is fine for the design of the app but personally I don't really like the text as I find it hard to read."
Ben design
This is Ben design I really like the idea of have a texture background, this makes sure the app still looks good. I am not really sure about the button as it is the only thing on the page. I thing maybe it could be a bit more detailed.
Architect feedback
"Ben - Like the buttons and the simplicity of the returning stuff, possibly the whole thing is a bit sparse though. Text is really clear and easy to read without any problems, colours are also vibrant and the texture is more interesting than just a plain surface."
Jon design
This is Jon design. He has gone for a old style look. I really love the look of this design. I really like the brick work photo and I really thing its something we should use in our finally design. The only thing I would change with this site is the amount of text.
Architect feedback
"Jon - Text is clear and easy to read but i think there might be too much on there as i'm not entirely sure people will read it all. Like the Twitter piece in the corner and the clarity of the buttons for the home and return buttons."
Chris design
This is chris design. I am not a big fan of this of this design. The button are way to big and pull focus from the rest of the site. I also dont like the mental effect as the background. I still like the idea of having a texture for the background but I believe it should be more subtle.
Architect feedback
"Chris - Text is easily readable, the buttons are clear and large enough not to prove a problem. Also like the integration of the gabions and QR code into the background. Colours are a bit pale but the materials make it look good and actually quite interesting."
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