Thursday, 4 October 2012


Gaston Bachelard

Gaston Bachelard first came up with the theory of path of desire in his book "The Poetics of space". His theory was that people move though the space how they want to. The track people leave behind should be encouraged. People should be allowed to walk where they desire and do things they desire. These are a thing of beauty a way for us to leave a lasting mark.

Path of desire

This is a typical path of desire a short cut though the grass to get to the other side quicker. You have to wonder if they see these man made paths and know that where people want to walk. Why not just put a path there.


A desire line normally refers to a worn path showing where people naturally walk. Desire lines are an ultimate expression of human desire or natural purpose. An optimal way to design pathways in accordance with natural human behaviour, is to not design them at all. Simply plant grass seed and let the erosion inform you about where the paths need to be. Stories abound of university campuses being constructed without any pathways to them. Planners responsible earn great respect for their cunning in allowing the desire lines to form before finalizing the construction of the paved pathways. Reconstruction of paths across Central Park in New York was famously based on this approach.


This is a video that show you how paths of desire are created and give you an example of different path that can form.

Hinduism Philosophy

I really like this philosophy it implies not only do people make these paths to get somewhere quickly but they also get a pleasure out of making them. It also tell us that we shouldn't stop someone using these paths we should encourage them, we should feed into their desire. 

    The Path of Desire--the twin goals are pleasure and success; nothing is gained by repressing these desires--in fact we might be worse if at some point we do not seek desire.

This is a lovely quote saying that no matter what people do they leave line and imprints everywhere they go. We all make some lasting impression on the world, that a nice thought that we will all be remembered in a way.

“As walking, talking, and gesticulating creatures, human beings create lines everywhere they go.”  -Tim Ingold, Lines: A Brief History

Another thing I found out when I was doing my research is that centre park in New York is totally design by desire paths.  They left the whole park as grass and let people walk on it and then built the paths following the desire lines. How amazing is that! You can say you had a hand in developing the park, you were able to change something in the world and be park of the reason something was built like it is. I think that truly is amazing to be apart of something so magic in a way.

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