Sunday, 30 October 2011


Set up time - As the set up with be in someone house the set up time for the project is very flexible. However it can not be unsociable hour due to other people in the house. It would also be a good idea to film while it was still daylight because this would produce the best light to see by.

Vandalism - As we are filming inside someone house vandalism is not a issue. The other problem we could have is from the other people in the house wanting to use the room. They could knock thing over and interferer with the setup.

Security - The project is something that we are going to put up and film and take down so the security isn't that big of a deal. The only thing we need to make sure is once the installation has been set up that no one is going to mess around with it. This is easily done in a house because we can lock the door and control who uses the room.

Filming - We will be filming inside. We need to make sure that we have good light available so we can see each part clearly. Another thing we are going to have to worry about is how to actually film it because it will set out over such a big space.Another issue that we might have is fully capturing the computer side.

Health and safety

  • We could trip over the object on the floor, we will have to be careful where we step.
  • No sharp object that we could cut ourselves on.
  • No liquid near the electrics, chance of electrocution.
  • Open flame should be secure, to lower chance of fire.

Deployment time table (put up)

10am - Get to house.

10:30am - Set up the PC in the room.

11am - Build the Rube Goldberg machine and set up PC side.

1pm - Dry run (making sure all the links work and it runs smoothly).

1:30pm - Make any adjustments needed.

2pm - Film and editing

Deployment time table (pull down)

4pm - Tidy equipment back into boxes.

4:15pm - Load up car.

4:30pm - Put room back together and return PC to proper place.

Equipment list


light sensors
Relay Switch
Computer Programmes
DVD Cases
Cardboard Box
Playing cards
Bounce balls (4)
Cotton rel (Large one for wire)
Cardboard tube
Paper cups
Elastic bands
Kids toys (wind up toy, mechanic ect)
Blue tack
Mousetrap the game
Kitchen roll

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