Friday, 4 November 2011

Form design

I started my form by using the basic code. You can see how it tured out from the picture below. I want to put the form in the middle of the page. Also I want to see what the boxes look like when they are lilac. I also think that I looks a bit lost on my page. So I want to find a way to make this look better.

(My form aligned to the left)

So I decided to start with trying to to change the background of the text boxes using css. I used the code below to see what it would do. It changed the whole section of my background lilac. So I need to work out how to get the text box colour to just change. I am not sure how to do this using css.

(My form, attempted to change the box colour)

I finally got the code working to change the background of the text boxes to lilac. I decided that I do not like how it looks. Looks so much better in white. I also had a issue with my text on the form. I originally made it lilac (same colour as the border) but this wasn't very easy to see with my background. So I decided to see what the writing looked like in white.

(My form, text box colour background)

Even though the writing did look better in white it still wasn't very easy to read. So I decided that I needed to put some kind of background on the writing or on the form. It might of looked a bit funny if I just put a background on the writing. So I went with the background around the whole form. With a lilac border. This turned out a lot better then I thought it would. I think it gives it that more professional appeal I was going for.

(Finished form)

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