Monday, 28 November 2011

What is Argumental realty?

Argumental realty is a type of virtul reality that aims to create aspects of the worlds envierment in a computer. An augmented reality system allows a user to take in information (such as a photo) from the surrounding area and the computer adds additional information. This is designed to enhancce the users experience of the world, allowing them access to information (such as 3D models, old picture, mesurment ect) they would have never know before. Augmented reality is used in many industries today such as entertainment, military training, engineering design, robotics, manufacturing and others. Argumental realty brings something new and unquic to each of these industries.



This is a storyboard of how our project will work and all the different platforms we will use. The beginning part and the end part will not be the same but it will be very similar. The most important part is what happeneds inside the PC.

Flash Animation

This is a mock-up of our project done in Flash.

This is not how exactly it is going to look like, but it should give you a pretty good idea what it is about.

Mash-up Mock-up

This is a mock-up using various bits of software to show the different parts of the system. This shows a physics simulation of how the in and out parts may turn out with a mock up of the computer side of the project made in after effects.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Argumental realty

For are argumental realty project we had to take a 3D object and put it in a programme called Junaio. Which adds all the things needed to make the argumental realty. The first thing I had to do was find a 3D object. Which was very hard because the programme can only handle very simple shapes with not many surfaces. Why we are using such a out of date programme is silly to me.However after hours of searching and I mean hours! I finally found a shape that was small enough that I could convert to md2.  Below is a image of my 3D object converted.

Once the 3D object is converted, we then had to upload it to a programme called Junaio which is very fussy to the least. Trying to find textures and tracking images for this programme to take is not a simple task. But once I had found one that it would accept I uploaded my object put a beige texture on it and a photo of people crossing the road for the tracking image.  You can scale and move around the image using the sliders at the bottom of the example. Once I was happy with how it looked I created my argumental realty.

This is my final project. To be honest I do not understand why anyone would want to create or use argumental realty. The idea sound really good but putting it into practice is horrible. I do not know if it was the way we were taught or if it really is this bad. But I can think of some many other things that are just as good and are so much simpler.

Thursday, 10 November 2011


We have been given 3 task from the lecture, each of these task relax upon what was covered in the lecture.   

Task 1 - Select 2 websites and analyse the bad design

This is a poetry website called Sixties press. The design for this website is shocking, it is all over the place. The first issues is that there are to many colours with in the same website, every bit of text is the same colour. Another issues with the website is that they have put black boxes behind the text which makes it very hard to read. Also the header design is horrible and very hard to read. The alignment is all to the left hand side, so nothing is in the middle of the page. The last thing about this website I dislike is the background I think it look really old fashion and does not suit the rest of the website look. To be honest looking at this website gives me a headache.

This is a website to recruit high school girls to go to a Greek college. This website is very unclear of what its purpose is. There is too much writing on this webpage, even though once you read though it all your still unclear what the website is meant to be showing. The boxes are all out of line, which look   dreadful. Also the menu is way to small, its very hard to find and move though the site. Another thing I do not like about this website is the fact there a scroll bar and you can scroll though one pannel on the home page.

Task 2Describe the interaction framework that will be used in iPad 5 

I believe that the interaction framework for the IPad5 will include such thing as voice commands, eye movement and hand gestures. By this point in time technology will be so advance that people would of become lazy in the uses. They will want to be able to control the device without to much effect such as voice command and hand gestures.

Task 3Analyse all you know about natural language interfaces

Natural language interfaces are becoming more and more popular in devices today. Of course as they get more popular more issues will be raised around the interfaces. The main problem with the natural language interfaces is that it has a really issues understand what people say when they have accents. This makes the technology unusable by most people around the world.  

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Group work
The group work, overall, was pretty good. There was a slight issue with getting both groups together as the lecture times were completely different. Having the sessions moved to a Wednesday helped since the stage 1 students could go to the earlier one and meet with the students from stage 2.

With the actual work, we got the stage 1 students to focus on the blog, design and the real world parts while the stage 2 students were tasked with writing the code for the computer system and arduinos.

The board game

The board game we based our installation on made for an interesting project, and with further development, could continue into other computers; there is possibility to jump from machine to machine using both real world and virtual methods.

Going from the original idea of Mouse Trap being the board game to a Rube Goldburg machine that goes from the real world to the virtual and back out is something that, as far as we know, hasn't been done before. There have been computer based Rube Goldberg machines, but none that interact in the way we have done it.

The installation
The installation was a bit of a pain to setup, thanks to the many parts we were using. Once it was setup and we ran a few test runs we were confident that the final run would go smoothly enough to capture on video for presentation.

What we liked
The machine is very awe-inspiring. Getting it up and running was a pain, but once it was fully running it was exciting watching each part knock together. We also liked how we had setup the real world part of the machine, because it was the hardest part to visualise for things like mock-ups. In the end it turned out very well.

What could of been improved

Communication could have been improved vastly, and was one of the more troubling parts of this project. With better communication, the project time scale could have been vastly improved.

What we have learnt

We have learnt that organization is very important, as each of us had other commitments we needed to attend to so could not always turn up to meetings. Some members of the project had work, so some days had to be missed because we could not get everyone together to work on it.

Website design

So this is my finished website. As you can see I have kept the header, menu bar and background the same on all the pages. So I have decided to put two photo on this page with my main body text in the middle. I did this because I liked the thought of having a picture of me now and one when I was younger. As this is represents me moving thought life. It made sense to me to put the text in the middle of the two photo I think it gives me a nice layout. As you can see I've carried over the text box styling from the form. This allows my text to be read easily.

When my home page loads it play a song. This is my favorite song and the reason I wanted to use this feature is because it provides more information about me. The reason I have chosen the song smile is because I feel like I really relate to it. I have been though many sad and unhappy experience and this song really relates to how I felt. It is very much me. No matter whats going on I will always try to keep smiling. I think this is a really nice feature for my website. However I had to take this feature off because I could not get it validated by Cynthia Says.

(Finished Home Page)

When I first design this page I used the same code as I had for my first page but I was trying to put more then 3 div onto one line. I couldn't believe how hard this was. Then it suddenly occur to me that why could I put them all on the same div. So this is what I did. I picked out 5 of my favorite card design and put them onto my page. I decided that I did not want my website to have to have a scroll bar. This is why I only picked 5 images. Then I just put a single line of text along the top of the page explain the page content. Again using the box outline for my text.

(Finished Cards)

My final form design hasn't changed sense I decided that I would put a text box around it. I really like this page I think it is very elegant. It also gives you a real chance to look at the background better. The thing I like about the boxes around the text and the form is it really makes them stand out. Which is good because these are the most important bit of my website.

(finished form)

Paths of desire


My final project is to do with invisible architecture. I had to make a model that was an example of invisible architecture. Before I could do this I had to understand what invisible architecture actually was. Invisible architecture are tracks that are left behind without realising that they are there. Example of this are: the most commonly walked routes in the shopping mall, the different temperature in a building caused by where people are most, where phone signal are strongest and weakest, or where people walk in the park. All of these are paths people leave behind and for my final project I had to choose one of these paths and bring it to life.


For my final project I choose to do my first idea. I decided I would map out the paths of a Park. Once I have mapped out the main paths, I will then map out the desired paths. The path people want to take. I will map the main paths in red and then the desired paths in blue. I will use GPS drawing to map out the paths. This will show what the paths should look like to best fit the desired path.

The park I originally choose was central park however as I started tracking the park I noticed that the signal was very weak and I also kept losing it from time to time. Down in the lower part of the park I could not pick up a signal at all. This caused me great problems, without being able to get a signal I could not complete my track of the park. Also I soon realised that this park was too large for me to show the detail I wished. So I decided to change to St Jude’s park. This park was a lot smaller and would allow me to show the details I wanted to show. Using this park would also give me the opportunity to be more precise with my mapping and make sure it is tracking me correctly.

The process

I started by walking around the park, I walked all the normal paths in the park. These paths were well laid out and you could tell that the person who designed the paths had really thought about the best place to put them. After I walk all the paths in the park I then walked all the paths of desire these were the faint paths on the grass (where people had worn it down from walking) and following where people were walking in the park. Once I got home and uploaded these paths onto my computer I realised that the tracking was off, it did not show which paths I had walked. So I decided to go back to the park and do both the walks again. I decided to walk slower and make sure it was picking up where I was. The paths of desire track came out much the same with only with a few differences. But the normal paths were a great improvement. My tracks match the paths I had walked.

The technology

I used a hand held computer with the Pathway software to track my walk. The equipment was not very clear and I wasn’t sure if it was actually mapping where I was walking. I could see that it was counting the amount of time I was walking and that the direction I was walking in (north, south, east or west) was showing up. When I changed direction so did the arrow.

The longitude and latitude was also changing, and this indicated that the GPS was registering me. However, there was no indication as to whether or not it was
drawing my route. I was only able to tell this when I upload the routes to the computer. I uploaded the route and it had tracked me walking, however, the track was not where I had walked. This may have been caused by a number of factors such as the signal strength dropping and losing of the signal altogether. When I did the tracking again I kept a close eye on the signal strength and it stayed the same all the way around. This tracking was a lot more reliable. I have very mixed feeling about the equipment. When the equipment works it is a very good, however you need to leave enough time to complete the tracking more than once to make sure it is precise and that it follows the paths.

The images produced

First attempt at tracking

As you can see from looking at this track it does not match the paths very well. Even though I walked them exactly.

This has pretty much tracked where I have walked. Even if not correct it would not stand out very much because it isn’t something you can see on the map.

Second attempted at tracking

As you can see this track follows the paths a lot more accurately. There are still some mistakes with the tracking but this is a lot clearer then my first tracking.

As you can see this second tracking for the paths of desires are pretty much the same as the first one. The only difference is that I have tracked more paths this time by observing where people were walking and the most popular routes.

Paths Compared

This image shows the two paths on top of each other over the map. As you see the blues lines and the red lines do cross at certain points. From looking at the picture most of the paths of desire cut from one exit of the park to the other. This indicates that is park could be used as a cut though, to try and make a journey shorter.

Wire Frames


Paths of desire

Paths Compared

These are call wire frames because you can only see the outlines. These are my tracking of the park. From looking at them from this view you can notice patterns start to form. You also get a better idea where the paths cross over when they are places on top of each other.


My conclusion is that the paths in this park are well designed. Most people walking thought the park stick to the main paths, so it is clear someone put a lot of thought into where to put the paths. However there are still a number of path of desire. There are improvements that could be made to the paths. They could follow the pattern of my paths of desires more. Also there are lots of paths that circle small parts the grass. This seems a bit pointless as both paths lead to exactly the same point and run alongside each other. It would make more sense if they just had one path and made use of the extra grass that this would make available.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Background design

Below is the background I have designed. I have used the colours from my digital signature so that the colours still represent me. I think it also give the web page more of a design element. I am going to try repeating the image all the way across to see what it looks like.

(My background on the left hand side)

I think the background looks so much better when repeated across my whole website. Make the website look a lot brighter and more artist. The only thing I am worried about is having writing over the back ground. Because the background is so busy and bright it might make seeing text difficult. I want my text to stand out. So I might have to put the text onto a different colour background.

(My background repeated across the whole screen)

My writting got lost when I wrote on the background. It was not very easy to read. So I decided to to put all the text onto a different colour background. The logical choice for me was the background colour of the document with a lilic boreder. This is because these are the two main colours for my website. Below you can see how it looks.

(Text over my background)

Friday, 4 November 2011

Form design

I started my form by using the basic code. You can see how it tured out from the picture below. I want to put the form in the middle of the page. Also I want to see what the boxes look like when they are lilac. I also think that I looks a bit lost on my page. So I want to find a way to make this look better.

(My form aligned to the left)

So I decided to start with trying to to change the background of the text boxes using css. I used the code below to see what it would do. It changed the whole section of my background lilac. So I need to work out how to get the text box colour to just change. I am not sure how to do this using css.

(My form, attempted to change the box colour)

I finally got the code working to change the background of the text boxes to lilac. I decided that I do not like how it looks. Looks so much better in white. I also had a issue with my text on the form. I originally made it lilac (same colour as the border) but this wasn't very easy to see with my background. So I decided to see what the writing looked like in white.

(My form, text box colour background)

Even though the writing did look better in white it still wasn't very easy to read. So I decided that I needed to put some kind of background on the writing or on the form. It might of looked a bit funny if I just put a background on the writing. So I went with the background around the whole form. With a lilac border. This turned out a lot better then I thought it would. I think it gives it that more professional appeal I was going for.

(Finished form)

Thursday, 3 November 2011


I put my digital signature into the header of my website to see if I liked it with my colours I have picked for my website and I really do. I think it looks really good. The contrast between the black, the purple and all the bright colours are really good. I am temped to make headers like these for the pages as well. I think when I've got the bright coloured flowed design up the side of the page it will look really good.

(My Digital Signature in my website background colour)

I like my digital signature as a header so much I decided to do the other pages with the same headers. So below are the header for 'My Hobbies' and 'My Form'. I think these look really good.

(My hobbies header)

(My form header)

I decided that on my second page (that I named 'My Hobbies') I wanted to display some of the cards I have made. So I thought that the title 'My Hobbies' wasn't really relevant. So I decided to change it to my cards. I believe this is a better title because it explains what is on the page.

(My card header)

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Design ideas

When you access my website I want it to be very me. I want people to be able to look at it and tell something about me from it.

Also I think the background is really plain. I want to put something up the left hand side of the page. I want like to put a animated flower that grows up the page but I don't really think I have to skills to be able to do this. So I will just have the picture on my background page. Hopefully this is something I can design. Below are some examples of the design I like. What I want is a mixture of all of them. I love the colours in the top picture these are very similar to my website.




I would also like to put my digital signature on the website. I think it would be a good idea because it was made to represent me and the person I am. I will make the background colour transparent. The only issue is that it might clash with the colours I have chosen. I am thinking that maybe I should change the colours I have chosen to compliment my digital signature. I am going to put my digital signature into the website and see what it looks like then decide.

(My Digital Signature)

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


The building process (jobs and activities undertaken)
When we got to our space, we picked out a spot we thought would be good to start the Rube Goldburg machine and started building a ramp for the ball to roll down. From there on we placed the rest of the machine down and ran a few test runs. Once happy that it would work, we set the PC up with the arduino boards and placed the light sensor in the right place. Ignoring the relay switch for the time being, we placed the other parts of the machine and ran a test run using a normal desk fan instead of the fan being used on the relay switch.

One we were happy with the in and out contraptions, we did a quick test of the computer system. Covering up the light switch with a spare cup to get it started, followed it through to the relay switch turning on the fan. Once that was OK'd, and we tried a few test runs, we got ready to film the whole thing.

Problems encountered

There were a few issues with the computer based part of the design. The email wasn't getting sent to being with, but this was an error within the code that was fixed easily. Another problem that we encountered was the computer itself; we had to put it on a slightly unbalanced surface that was enough to disconnect the power cable, therefore turning it off. We fixed this by propping it up with some cardboard we had left over. Everything else wasn't nearly as much of a hassle

The real world part was a nightmare at some points. One of the DVD cases got broken when it got kicked by accident, causing us to go hunt for another. We had a few cases of balls going in the wrong direction and getting lost under furniture, and the most annoying part has to be setting everything back up when the starting ball would get knocked, causing the rest of the unbuilt machine to activate.

Parts we did not implement (and why)

We had quite a lot of leftover parts we brought along for the real world part of the whole thing. Some of the things we ended up leaving out include:
  • Sellotape - We found it wasn't strong enough, so used duct tape
  • Half a box of dominoes - We couldn't squeeze the rest of them in somewhere
  • Wind up kids toys - We had a few of these, some of them just not needed
  • Playing cards - We did not have the skills to keep a house made of these up

Screenshots and walkthroughs of what has been built so far (or any mock-ups you have created)

So far, we have these mock-ups made by members of the group...


This storyboard shows our project, including the platforms we will use. The final project is very similar to what the storyboard shows, with major changes to the real world part.

Descriptions of how it works

The whole thing works by using real world objects to move in a certain formation that causes other objects to move, much like the effect that dominoes have when lined up on their smaller edge and pushed but with a bit more ingenuity. This would then cause the virtual part of the machine to activate with a similar effect to it's real world counterpart, displaying webpages, showing animations and sending data to other sites. Once the right condition is met, the computer activates the rest of the real world objects. At the end, a roll of kitchen towels gets knocked and unrolls, revealing some written text.

Actual timetable

Put up Time

9:50am - Get to house.
10:20am - Start setting up Rube Goldberg machine (input)
11:30pm - set up PC
12:30pm - Start setting up Rube Goldberg machine (output)
2pm - Dry runs (Making adjustments where needed)
3:30pm - Film and editing

Pull Down Time

5:30pm - Tidy equipment
6:10pm - Load up car
6:30pm - Return PC
6:35pm - Leave


When I first heard I had to do a website about myself, I had no idea what to do it on. So I decided to use a mind map about myself. Ive always been told this is a good way to sort information and pick out the best bits.

I have decided that I will put a bit of information about all four points on my home page. Then I will expends and the information on my hobbies on my page 2. The thing I don't want though is to just end up with a lot of text on my home page.