Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Contextual Study

When we first went to the space there was a sky van parked right where our installation is meant to be. This effected the way people moved around the space but it also gave us the opportunity to see how people interact with something in the space. Most people just walked straight passed, in the hour we were there only a couple of people stopped to talk to the man. This maybe a issue that we have. However I think it will be different because our installation is going to interactive and is not try to sell anything to anyone.

We spoke to the man working in the sky van and asked him what he thought about the space. He said that it was a really bad place to be. That everyone just walks right passed him.

This is the busies we saw the space. Everyone in the photo was just passing though the space. There does not seem to be a pattern of how they are walking.

Almost everyone moving around the space has shopping bags. This indicate that people only use the space to get to other shops or where they want to get to. This is one of the only time we saw anyone stop in the space and this was to free his hand up so he could sort out his phone.

May different thing move though the space. As you can see below there is a women pushing a pram though the space. This is something that we are going to consider and make sure that the area is accessible to prams ect. We also have to thing about damage to our installation.

This is the only time I have seen someone sit in the space and use it for more then a pass though. These two women stop with there prams to eat there lunch. This shows that the seats do get used, even if not very often.

We didn't think there was any power on the cite. But we noticed that the sky van had power. It had to come from somewhere? So I followed the leads from the sky van to see where they were getting there power from. Turns out there is a power generate hidden in the bushes. This is good new means we can do something that needs power.

This video shows how people move around the space. If you watch it you see a lot of different things and people moving around the space. Of course how people move around the space is effected by the sky van. There is even a van that drives over our installation.

This is a diagram of the space. The red lines indicate how people moved around the space and how they pass thought it. I took the paths from the video above. That is why I have put the sky van in the diagram. This is a good diagram because it allows us to see which the busy part of the space is (in this case where most people work). As you can see the top part the space is the busiest. This mean that this would probably be the best place for a installation, as most people would pass thought here.

Even though there was a sky van in front of the seats. I do not believe that it would change the path people took across the space. Around the outside of the circle (behind the sky van) is where the stone seats are. Which would stop people walking there anyway.

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