Monday, 3 December 2012

Research into energy waste

- Computers being left on.

Sprinklers that turn on during rainstorms or are activated at the warmest, sunniest times  of day. By watering during the day, as much as 20-25% of the water is lost to evaporation from heat and wind.

Keeping lights on all day even when sunlight could be used to illuminate a space properly. Lighting is responsible for one-fourth of all electricity consumption worldwide.


- Heating being on when no one home.

- Shops leaving light, tv and tills on over night. 




The New York Times, published: April 2, 2011. When the Data Struts Its Stuff. NATASHA SINGER

Visual analytics play off the idea that the brain is more attracted to and able to process dynamic images than long lists of numbers. But the goal of information visualization is not simply to represent millions of bits of data as illustrations. It is to prompt visceral comprehension, moments of insight that make viewers want to learn more.

Project overview

I want to create an interactive installation that tests how people preserve data visualisation. Then I would like to be able to analyse the data to support my dissertation.


I want the visualisation to be aimed at me to discover how people preserve data. But will be used the general public and aimed at all ages for testing.

Tools used