Thursday, 28 October 2010



Another digital artist I came across is a guy called Rolighetsteorin. There isn't much information about the artist himself. But he promotes something called the 'fun theory'. This is the idea that by getting people to do thing they wouldn't normally by making it fun.

Piano Stairs

They took the normal stairs in a tube station and turned them into a working piano. The idea of this project was to encourage people to use the stairs instead of the escalator, by making the stairs more fun. Below is just a screen shot of a point in the video.

I really like this piece of work. I believe it has a good reasoning behind it and is showing people that we can use technology in a positive way to help us all kept fit. I think this kind of interactive display can have a great impact on the people who use them. 66% of people who would normally use that escalator, used the stairs. This in return is making them fitter and having a positive effect on their lives without them even realizing it. I think this project has really opened my eyes to the impact digital art can have.

Full video -

Arcade bottle bank

They took a normal bottle bin and made it into a arcade. The idea behind it was that if they made it into a game, more people will want to play. Which in return means more bottles are being recycled. Below is a screen shot of people using the bottle bank.

I really like this bit of work because it has a very good purpose.

Random Thought

My name seems way to normal for me to be a digital artist.

Friday, 22 October 2010

The research

During my research for interactive display in shopping malls. I found some very interesting digital artists.

Jason Bruges

I came across a Digital Artist call Jason Bruges. I look though his projects that he has word on and he has done some really amazing stuff.

Panda eyes

One of his most recent pieces of work was a exhibition in a museum. As you can see from the picture he took 100 of the Charity (WWF) collection boxes and made them interactive. The panda rotate automatically to track visitors movements throw the space.

I really like this interactive display. I like the fact that there is a purpose behind it. A lot of digital art is made to look pretty or represent something eg data flow. With this display it is being used for a cause (raise money and promote awareness).

Data flow

This is another piece of digital artwork from Jason Bruges. This one represents electronic data follow (emails, on-line videos, e-commerce) within a company.

This display look very visually good but the point of the display is not very clear. Unless you know what the colours are meant to represent, it will just look like a pretty colour building lit up. Which may be what they were after. It is also not clear how the data flow connects to the colours. I have very mixed feeling about this project the reaso

n for making it seems to be very fuzzy.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Choosing a space

The Brief

Last week my group was given a
brief to fulfill. As I was not there last week due to illness I was playing catch up. The brief was, we have to pick a place in Plymouth to set up a interactive display. My group picked a busy spot in the city centre. Below is a picture of the area that they choose. We are going to constrate on the circle design and how to make this interactive in some way.

The ideas

  • One of the idea we came up with was that the different section on the circles would make different sound then people stood on them.
I thought this was a very good idea and would be a very fun and interactive for everyone in the city centre.

  • The second idea we has was making the circle a interactive screen. So there will be a screen underneath your feet and when you walk on it you will triger thing to happen. Such as make ripples, move balls out the way, fish come around your feet ect.
However even though I thought this was a really good idea, I did feel that with how busy the space is this might be a problem.

  • The third idea was that if people walked over the middle of the circle that it would glow up different colours.

I also thought that this would be a good idea. Made not as interactive as the music (seems it allows you to play different tunes) but still a good idea.

So we have three idea's we are still unsure which we are going to choose. We desided to do research into 3 key area of the industre. Socialism, Technology aviable and example of digital art already in place. From this research will will choose which idea is best or come up with a completely now one.